Possibilities offered by VoIP telephony are very interesting for all companies, large or small, looking for solutions for their internal and external communications. VoIP telephony has been revolutionizing the sector , offering not only much more competitive prices compared to traditional switchboards, but also for its calls at cheaper or even free prices and the infinity of value-added services that can make a diference.
Among them, the VoIP switch based on Asterisk stands out. This is a completely free software package and whose license is free and can be downloaded from your own website. Asterisk is one of the most powerful and versatile options and, in addition, free of charge to companies. But its degree of complexity also poses a challenge.
In this article we help you to understand the challenges and opportunities that a VoIP exchange can offer to your company, but also the reasons why you should bet on a certified Asterisk training for your template.
Challenges and VoIP telephony opportunities for your company
Do you know why VoIP Telephony has become the number one choice for an immense number of small and large companies? VoIP telephony is not only the best way to manage the day to day communications of your company, it also has a number of advantages over traditional telephony that, sure, will capture your attention.
VoIP telephony, easy to install
Traditional switchboards require a complex installation. You have to tak the cables from the control unit itself to the terminals and, if you want to expand the capacity, we should check if there are alots available. In the case of Asterisk VoIP PBXs, you must install the computer that will act as a switchboard and connect the terminals to the Internet. You can do this either through an Ethernet or WiFi plug.
Calls are cheaper... or even free
In the switchboards and traditional telephones, the billing of each call depends on the distance between who makes and who receives the call. Thus, a call between Madrid and Berlin is more expensive than if it is between Madrid and Barcelona. With VoIP technology, calls, like a web or an email, do not have distances. the cost of calling Barcelona or Moscow is the same. And if the call is made between two users of the same platform, it can even be free.
You can take your phone wherever you want
Not only is it easier to install, but by installing the appropriate software, you can configure your Tablet, computer or Smartphone to be your phone. Thus, you can call your office, clients or suppliers from wherever you want and they will call you, without paying more.
Why is Asterisk the best choice for your business?
The software developed by Digium, can be downloaded for free from its website and this package includes everything you need to configure the PBX. In addition, Asterisk allows you to adapt the system to what your company needs: customize the voicemail or call waiting with locutions, synchronize with the CRM or suite that your company uses ... and even create specific modules for you. But Asterisk also entails a number of challenges.
On the other hand, the control unit must be configured from scratch, programming each step. This task can be complicated if you do not have some basic knowledge in programming and, if you want to take full advantage of the possibilities of this platform, it is absolutely necessary to have certified personnel.
Train your staff with an official Asterisk certification
Leverage the full potential of the Asterisk platform now with an official Asterisk certification taught by Avanzada 7. The course to achieve the official Asterisk certification is divided into three blocks.
Digium Asterisk Fast Start Official
It has a duration of three days and is aimed at staff who want to start using and managing this platform and does not requiere knowledge in Linux or VoIP telephony. This course mixes theory and practice to acquire the basic knowledge to enter the platform.
OF course, your company can outsource this service, but training your staff with an official Asterisk certification is easier than you think.
Digium Asterisk Advanced Official
It's the second part of the course and is the only one that allows to obtain the official dCAP certification. For those who have previous practical experience with Asterisk, they can choose to take the Digium Asterisk Advanced Official directly. This course will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the subject and to carry out integrations of production systems. Passing this course opens the doors to dCAP, since passing this Advanced course is a prerequisite for taking the exam and obtaining the dCAP.
Like the previous one, this course is face-to-face, but with a duration of five days and includes theory and practice to provide attendees with the knowledge necessary to pass the exam and achieve the official certification Asterisk dCAP.
Asterisk dCAP official certification exam
Attendees can take the Digium Certified Asterisk Professional exam after earning an Advanced degree. In Spain, this title is only granted by Avanzada 7.
This test consists of an online theoretical part on the functioning of Asterisk and VoIP technology, and a practice where a real case is raised that the student must configure a switchboard according to fixed requirements.