VoIP telephony adapts to the changes and needs of your company. Discover the needs of your company that IP telephony can satisfy.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, an SME or a manager of a large company, communications are a necessity and they will be for a long, long time. When in doubt, two or three telephone switchboard options appear; traditional or VoIP, either with hardware or software-based.
We have gathered in an article what are the advantages to help you know which of the three options will best meet the communication needs with our suppliers and / or customers.
This could happen in your company
Imagin a practical situation that could occur in your company: the Christmas campaign is approaching; sales increase, new products, customers who need more information... The marketing department has decided to create a new product line and the method to present it is based on a telemarketing strategy.
Your company faces a decision: you have to increase the total available lines to deal with, on the one hand, all outgoing calls to potential customers and, on the other hand, answer all customer service calls with questions, complaints or orders.
We start from scratch and we must install all the terminals that we will use during the Christmas campaign, and when this campaign ends we must remove them, except for some that will remain for the future as "customer service". Between a traditional telephone exchange and a VoIP telephone exchange, which of the two is able to better cover this challente?
The installation of PBX
If we opt for the traditional PBX, which is based on the digital telephone network over the copper cable infrastructure, we will need to install:
- The PBX itself, where all the telephones are connected
- The wiring of the control unit to the terminals
- The wiring from the PBX to the telephone network
The traditional PBX concentrate all the connections between the terminals and the exterior and if we need to make an extension in the future, we must count how many spaces are free. If there is none left, we must acquire another PBX in order to increase capacity.
In the case of VoIP PBXs, it is different. In case we install a physical (hardware) of software-based, we should only bear in mind that the terminal must be connected in an Ethernet port (like many computers) to access the Internet. There are also WiFi terminals with which we can make all the cables disappear.
Set phone numbers
In case the traditional PBX, the numbers come by default and we can not modify or customize them. Likewise, the added value options of each of these phones are the same in all, making personalization impossible.
In case of VoIP PBX we can create as many phones as we want since the capacity to increase the lines in a VoIP exchange is almost infinite. We only have to access the control panel, create the numbers and configure the terminal. On the other hand, each terminal can have the extra services that we want: from an answering machine with almost unlimited capacity, you have customized the music of waitin call.
Value added services
Let's go back to the example: we are facing the Christmas campaign and the marketing team has created a list of customer's phones in the company's CRM that have shown interest in receiving more information about our new product.
In the terminals of a tradicional PBX, we can only access the phones. The relation betwen calls made and answers about the CRM of the company, must be done manually, which is a huge waste of time.
The terminals of the VoIP exchange are small computers, which allows full access to the CRM, among many other functions. VoIP telephony transcends the calls themselves, to become a small smart device.
How much are VoIP calls worth?
In case of traditional telephony, the cost of the call is determined by the distance that the signal travels from when it leaves the telephone until it reaches the destination.
The farther it is, the more expensive that call will be. With VoIP telephony this does not happen in this way, because the means by which the voice is transmitted on the Internet and there are no borders.
In this way, calls through VoIP will be much cheaper than those made through a traditional PBX.
What other advantages does VoIP telephony offer me?
Once the campaign is over, dismantling VoIP terminals is relatively simple. The numbers of the PBXs are simply erased, the Internet telephones are disconnected and that's it. There is no wiring to be removed and we can always use these terminals in the future as spare parts or to create new jobs that require a telephone.
But ir we can not even have to use a telephone. There is the option to configure our computer, tablet or smartphone to use it as a VoIP phone. Although in case of a marketing campaign will not be very useful, it will allow us to take with us the phone number which can be very useful , it will alow us to take with us the phone number which can be very useful to be located at any time and from the world.
VoIP telephony is what your business needs
We have exposed you a particular case, which could occur in your business, but there are many other options. In all of them, VoIP telephony will be able to adapt to the canges and needs of your business like a glove at your fingertips.
VoIP telephony is, without a doubt, the future of communications in the company and your company can not be left out of it.