VoIP telephony is changing the way as the companies communicate with its clients, providers or between the workpeople. The advantages of these switchboards VoIP are that are based on hardware or software and are known for overcoming for much to the services of the ancient traditional switchboards. In addition to knowing all these advantages, also you must know what types of extensions you can install in your company.
What sound the extensions VoIP?
The IP PBX work in a way very similar to the traditional switchboards, but they differ substantially in way in how they are formed, as well as in a large number of services of extra cost that they incorporate.
To sum up, we can say that the switchboards VoIP are not only a telephone service, but an experience erniched for the user. If the first and last purpose of the conventional phones for copper cable is to call of the point A to the point B and to pay a metering for this call, in case of him telephony VoIP the call is one of the multiple services that it offers.
The IP PBX extensions are the same that in the traditional PBX: it refers to each of the terminals that are connected to the switchboard. But here they begin the differences, because if in the traditional switchboards the terminals are fixed and only they serve to call, in the switchboards VoIP the terminals can be fixed - similiar to the traditional ones-wireless or WiFi.
The IP Phone
It's a question of a terminal fixed and very similar to those that we are accustomed, but its difference is that they incorporate a software inside the terminal that allows to use each and everyone of the services of extra cost (synchronization with the CRM of the company, calendar, e-mail...).
In practice it's a small computer with appearance of phone that connects ethernet route or WiFi to Internet to be able to realize the called phone companhies across the switchboard VoIP.
The IP PBX allow to connect also phones DECT. This system is much extended in the house keeping in companies that offer the calls across Internet.
This is one of the most interesting services of the switchboards VoIP and it is not different that the possibility of using our telephone number in any device, across a specific software. This way, our computer, Tablet or Smartphone can be used like phone.
The possibilities that the option of the softphone allow will be very interesting especially if we must move. To form our mobile phone as terminal VoIP with the same fixed telephone number that when we are in the office, allow to keep on being carried out and receive called with the same local metering. Let's imagine that we travel to Russia round a meeting. Simply connecting the phone to a network WiFi, we can call to the office or receive a call of a provider as if we were in the fatherland.
This softphone function is very popular at present, since applications like WhatsApp, Skype or Telegram incorproate the called free phone companhies between users of the same program, something very interesting when one is out of the European Union.
The different types of IP phones
But also we can bet for not installing different terminals VoIP of traditional aspect- of dessert- in the desks. Here we will have to choose the terminals not only for the price, but for its services. From the simplest terminals, to the most advanced, the election of one or other will depend from what I needed your company.
An interesting option for you company is the possibility of installing video phones. This option will allow you to realize videoconferences with all those clients or providers who have the possibility of realizing videoconferences.
You must not discard the option to install a few phones of type DECT, be already more innovative that they incorporate the technology VoIP of series, like using ancient phones with cards adapt that the traditional system to VoIP system.
Which is right for me?
Here everything is going to depend on the needs for every company. Someone will bet for having certain hardware terminals, for example: one in the reception to be able to distribute the next calls to the different telephone number of the switchboard and the rest, install them in the computers as softphone.
Another possible interesting configuration for your company is that of having only terminal conventional VoIP or videotelefono in the meeting rooms, with the target to carry out videoconferences or to incorporate to third across the phone, and to form softphones or terminals simpler DECT in desks.
The versatility of IP phones
The possibilities of configuration of VoIP technology are inmense and it allow us to choose the option and configuration that suits us best. VoIP terminals are advanced mini-computers full of possibilities, without forgetting that the possibility of being able to use our phone number in the distance, is an option that only VoIP technology can offer to your company.