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Avanzada 7 maintenance department performs a daily and constant maintence of the machines we take care of. 3 groups of actions are done:

  • Preventive actions: Monitoring. Backup copies. Security.
  • Corrective actions: Reconfigurations and changes.
  • Evolutive actions: Upgrades.


A monitoring panel is located at Avanzada 7 premises where every single machine is always monitored so our staff can solve any issue in advance.

E-mail alerts are also received by our engineers in real time, to take corrective measures in case of failure.

Customers can also contact by phone or email in the contrated hours to get an inmediate answer from us..

A ticket platform is also available were both customers and Avanzada 7 staff can track any reported issue and monitor our response times.


Ensuring survival in a system crash is a priority for Avanzada7, specially in those systems without HA. Daily backups are usually done including configs, databases, logs or voice prompts.


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Prestigious engineers in the VoIP local community will be glad to assist you.


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