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Digium hybrid HA8 PCI

Avanzada 7 code: 0020130010001

Manufacturer SKU: 1HA8-0000LF

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  • The H8 Series are versatile devices used for connecting to the PSTN. This is accomplished with analog lines connected to trunk (FXO) interfaces, analog handsets connected to station (FXS) interfaces, and digital lines connected to ISDN BRI interfaces. The H8 Series supports all three types of connectivity on a single card through the use of Digium's specialized telephony modules for FXO, FXS, and BRI. Used in conjunction with Asterisk®, the H8-series cards can deliver a wide range of voice applications including IP PBX, VoIP Gateww ay, IVR platform, Conference Bridge, Voicemail, and more.

    Like Digium's analog and single-port PRI cards, the H8 cards utilize Digium's VoiceBus™ technology. VoiceBus technology allows the H8 cards to use an industry standard bus-mastering PCI interface, as found in millions of PCs worldwide, to maximize system compatibility and eliminate system conflicts. Additionally, the H8 cards can improve voice quality in troublesome echo situations with its support for Digium's G.168-compliant 128ms cancelling VPMADT032.

    The H8 Series are half-length, full-height cards supporting Digium's existing single-port FXS (S110M) and FXO (X100M) modules as well as Digium's existing quad-port FXS (S400M) and FXO (X400M) modules. New with the release of the H8 cards is Digium's B400M four-port EuroISDN S/T module. The B400M sets a new standard for BRI connectivity in the Asterisk market with its support for software-selectable mode (NT or TE) and line termination. The B400M requires no jumpers for operation, regardless of mode or termination.

    The H8 is available in universal 3.3/5.0V PCI format as HA8 and in PCI-Express x1 format as HB8.



    An FXO module cannot be used in combination with a BRI module that is taking timing in TE mode on the same Hx8 Series card.

    An FXO module can be used in combination with a BRI module that is providing timing in NT mode on the same Hx8 Series card.

    • FXO portshasta 8 (en combinación con modulos BRI y FXS)
    • FXS portshasta 8 (en combinación con modulos BRI y FXO)
    • PRI ports0
    • Puertos BRIhasta 8 (en combinación con modulos FXO y FXS)
    • Hardware Echo cancelationOpcional
    • Slot typePCI
    • Voltage5.0V y 3.3V
    • Compatible modulesVPMADT032 S110M X100M S400M X400M B400M
    • GSM ports0

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