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Certified Engineering Training - Snom - Malaga (22-23 March)

Avanzada 7 code: 0161560130001


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  • Avanzada 7 taught this Formación Oficial de Snom with this new call of the Snom Certified Engineer, SCE. 

    What is the Snom Certified Engineer? The SCE Snom training is a highly technical training on IP Snom Products. We recomend that all students must have previous and consolidated knowledge about IP / SIP / VoIP communications and technologies. The goal with this SCE Snom is to provide with all necessary knowledges in order to design, implement and manage your own VoIP solutions based on IP Snom products and IPs.   This training will be taught in Spanish and at the end of it all alumns will have acquired the necessary knowledge about:  

    • Provisioning and best practices implementation 
    • Advanced features and integrations
    • Products customization 
    • Security considerations

    SCE Certification Exam After the training the alumns will make the SCE exam. This prueba will be online and is structured in two parts:  

    • Theoretical: Online test with 50 questions 
    • Practice: Practical excercises on the administration and configuration of the provisioning

    To pass this exam, the student must provide at least 75% of correct answers and excercises.

    How to become a Qualified Partner The SCE Snom training is reserved for qualified Snom partners who have already participated in the online Snom basic training successfully.  To be a Snom partner you must to follow different steps:  

    1. First step: Register at the Snom Community Portal:

    - Access the portal and register as a partner: www.snom.com

    2. Second step: Participate in an online webinar: Check the calendar of the webinar in the partner portal.

    3. Third step: Partipate in the online technical Snom (SOT)

    The price of this course includes the acquisition of two Snom IP Phones (D710 and D765) valued at more than 350€.


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