Let's Connect!
Patton is everything in connections. It is the multinational leader in the design and development of connectivity solutions, VoIP, 'triple play' and surveillance equipment for companies around the world.

Patton is everything in connections. It is the multinational leader in the design and development of connectivity solutions, VoIP, 'triple play' and surveillance equipment for companies around the world.
Internet Telephony 2015 - Best product of the year
Recognition of the Best Product by the SmartNode Open Gateway Appliance (SNOGA)
Unified communications 2013 Award
Excellence Award for the SmartNode 4940 Gateway
Internet Telephony 2012 - Product of the year
Recognition of the Best Product by the SmartNode VoIP 4670 Hybrid IAD
Patton was founded by the Patton brothers: Bobby and Burt in 1984 while studying at the University with the help of his older brother Bruce. Thanks to his father's investment, Patton would begin his business career designing and building modems and connectivity products for the telecommunications industry. Today it is one of the major multinationals in connectivity.
Catalog of more than 1,000 products
Patton currently has a wide range of catalogs including SmartNode VoIP, Visuality, ForeFront, CPE IPLink solutions, CopperLink and EviroNET equipment.
ISO 9001 certification
Thanks to the continuous development and innovation in their products, Patton products of high quality and customized solutions for each user.
Unified communications
Patton is one of the best options for telecommunications solutions and VoIP products.
International presence
Patton products go around the world thanks to its quality guarantee. The USA is the factory headquarters.