VoIP2DAY celebrates its 10th anniversary next November 15th and 16th
Today we are pleased to tell you that the 10th edition of VoIP2DAY has already date: November 15th and 16th, in a new location: Wanda Metropolitano, the new "Atlético de Madrid" Stadium.
A very special edition where one more time we will have activities, conferences, exhibitors and netoworking area during two days. An essential event in this sector that will bring together again all professionals in Telephony and IP Communications.
We tell you how you can participate in this 10th edition of VoIP2DAY:
Early bird - Your pass with 50% off discount (Only until September 30th)
If you are a professional or you are interested in discover this passionate sector, you can already get your pass with 50% off discount. An early-bird registration promotion that will be available only until September 30th, 2017. If you are interested don't lose your chance and get your pass!
Call for papers - Send us your proposal!
As every year, we call to all professionals that want to participate in VoIP2DAY 2017 as speakers in the conference program. As you know, during two days, the professionals expose their novelties, studies, demonstrations and curiositities about VoIP world. Last year, the Best Conference's prize went to Gorka Gorrotxategi and Carlos Cruz, who was chosen by the audience as the most interesting conference of the last edition.
If you are interested send us your proporsal through our Call for papers.
Call for sponsors - Be part of the 10th edition
One more year, we open our "Call for Sponsors" section for those companies wishing to show their latest developments in the exhibition area. A space where every year all companies present the most cutting-edge technology of this growing market and, increasingly, is necessary for its powerful applications. If you are interested in participating, you can consult the availability of sponsorships throgh the web form.
Visit the web of VoIP2DAY for more information: www.voip2day.com!