Learn how to program 3CX voice applications
Avanzada 7 organizes a new CFD training (Call Flow Designer) for all those interested in learning basic CFD knowledge.
What is CFD?
With CFD (Call Flow Designer) we can easily create complex call flows and voice applications without the need to program or use scripts in our PBX. With the definition of these flows or interactions we can automate certain tasks such as creating a voice application so that, when a person calls, execute the action of asking for the client's phone number; later, depending on that number, we could route the call in one queue or another, taking into account the indicators we have previously defined.
By learning how to program voice applications for 3CX, we can opmitize the work system in our company and, thanks to this interaction automation, we will be able to provide a much more specific and customized service.
Which are the CFD goals?
Throughout this training we will develop different objectives in order that the student assimilates correctly the contents of it. The main objectives are:
- Progressively learn the Call Flow designer tool through practical examples
- Debugging and testing CFD projects
- Typical cases of CFD applicaiton
- Advanced programming in CFD
- Presentation of the didactic material accompanied of practices with 3CX control units of tests by student
- Direct assistance for support queries with certified 3CX technician
In the following link you have more information about the training program.
Training data
- October 03 - 04 2018
- Schedule: 09:00 - 16:30 (CET)
- Centro de Negocios Monterrey | C/ Fuente Nueva 12 A; oficina 10 ; C.P.: 28703, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid
- Limited places
- Training subsidized by FUNDAE.es
Contact us to training@avanzada7.com and book your place!