...we thanks all the support and trust you have given us. Thank you all for making us part of your proffesional career and thank you for giving us the opportunity to be companions of adventures.
Thank you all those who offer the chance to work every day doing what we like most; we offer you the pieces and knowledge to start up this VoIP machinery that we love...
To all our customers, collaborators, suppliers...and, of course, to our spectacular team, that without them this dream would not be possible...Thanks to all and Happy Holidays!
Christmas Shedules
During the holiday season we will not suspend our activity. We inform you that our schedule will remain from 09:00 to 16:00, with the exceptions of: December 26th and January 02nd (closed for holidays) and January 5th (this one with reduced time schedule: 09:00 to 15:00).
We will continue to assist you at sales@avanzada7.com or +34 952 02 87 09