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Chat Online Avanzada7

Enter in contact with the sales department from Avanzada7. The same agents that are currently reached by telephone, fax or email, do online chat service.

Avanzada7 is committed to improving our services to professionals. The last year, we bought a comercial license of the software HelpDesk: Kayako Fusion.


Kayako Fusion is the world's leading helpdesk software and allowed us, to provide a better customer experience, better track of your orders and inquiries and work together more effectively.

Kayako Fusion is Multi-channel:

You can contact us by email, phone, fax.... and now: Live chat. All interaction with our customers and their attendance is managed from only one place and accessible from anywhere, making usmore productive.


The last year, Avanzada7 got sales record in 10 years working... and this tool software certainlycontributed to win this record.

New Chat Online Avanzada7

Live Help

live-help-avanzada-7On the left side of your browser, we are incorporated this icon to service. Simply click, from any page of our website (Products, Services, Training, News ...) and enter in direct contact with the sales department from Avanzada7. The same agents that are currentlyreached by telephone, fax or email, do online chat service.

Talking ...?

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