Digium Asterisk Advanced Training - Version 13
If you are interested in Asterisk, next October we open a new call for all concerned in advanced level of Asterisk. This training will be held on October, 24-28 in Madrid by Elio Rojano, you already know him from other Asterisk Trainings.
What is Asterisk?
Asterisk is a free software program that provides management control capabilities and communication: analog, digital or VoIP. An OpenSource that allows developing systems very versatile and secure communciations: furthermore it is increasingly demanded by the multiple VoIP protocols it implements.
Who should attend?
This is an advanced training thus we remind that all interested allumns should have previous experience in Asterisk . Furthermore, this would be the previous step for make the exam and get your dCAP (Digium Certified Asterisk Professional), a curriculum requirement increasingly demanded in the workplace.
For proper assimilation of the contents of this training, we recommend that students have prior knowledge of Linux and basic knowledge of Asterisk. It is also valuable possess basic knowledge in telecommunications and previous experience in editing text files in command line or graphical editors. We remind you that If you have any questions regarding prior knowledge, you can contact with us.
Asterisk Advanced Training - Details
Monday to thursday (09:00 to 18:00) and friday (09:30 to 10:30).
We remind you that the Asterisk training have two different modes available which increases the cost depending on whether you wish to acquire the required material:
- Asterisk Advanced Training WITHOUT Material : 1.950€ + VAT
- Curso Asterisk Advanced WITH Material: 2.250€ + VAT