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Get started in Asterisk with our certified dCAP experts | February 21-23th

Fast Start Asterisk Digium training - Avanzada 7

Asterisk Fast Start Training | February 21-23 th, Málaga

From Avanzada 7 we invite all those interested in specializing in Asterisk to new Digium Asterik Training that will take place next February 21, 22 and 23 in Málaga. Specifically, this Fast Start training is an introductory course where we will see the agenda corresponding to the Asterisk program in the hands of our certified experts in dCAP.

If you are interested in specializing in Asterisk, this Fas Start Training is a first contact in Asterisk helping you get a good base to prepare further specialization courses, such as Asterisk Advanced and get dCAP Certification (Digium Certified Asterisk Professional) so demanded in the workplace.

Fast Start temary: Asterisk 13

  • Module 1: Introduction to telephony, the Asterisk PBX and Linux
  • Module 2: Linux command line and installation of Asterisk
  • Module 3: Connecting the stations to an Asterisk PBX
  • Module 4: Adding external connectivity to our Asterisk PBX
  • Module 5: Making our Asterisk PBX have more features
  • Module 6: Troubleshooting Asterisk PBX and Asterisk implementations as an application development environment

More details:

  • Date: February 21-23th 2018
  • Theoretical - practical face-to-face course, taught in Spanish (official documentation in English)
  • Schedule: From 09:00 to 18:00 (1º and 2º day); from 09:00 to 15:00 (last day)
  • Avanzada 7 venue  | Málaga (How to get there - Google maps)
  • Breakfast and launch included.

Ask prizes contacting us at training@avanzada7.com

Más información curso Asterisk FastStart

Próximas convocatorias cursos y exámenes de Asterisk

