Digium Asterisk Advanced | April 25-29, 2016
For everyone who is interested in the Official Digium Training, we open a new call of Asterisk Advanced next april 25-29th, 2016 in Barcelona.
A training directed to professionals that have experience with Asterisk and want to deepen their learning. Furthermore, this training is the previous step to get the famous Asterisk Certification: dCAP (Digium Certified Asterisk Professional), inreasingly demanded in the world of work as a curriculum requirement. In addition, the topics taught during the training are from Asterisk 11 program.
What previous knowledge do you need?
We suggest that you have some prior knowledge with Linux OS and basic knowledge of Asterisk, Dialplan configuration, editing text files in command line or graphical editors and basic knowledge in teleccomunciations (the last is not esencial). Anyway, you can consult us If you aren't sure If you are qualified.
Training Information
Schedule: Monday to Thursday (09:30 - 18:30) and Friday (09:30 - 10:30). Later we start the official Exam of dCAP Certification.
Price: We remind that Asterisk Training has available two differents modalities that increase or not the final price:
- Asterisk Advanced Training WITHOUT material: 1995€ + IVA
- Asterisk Advanced Training WITH material: 2280€ + IVA
- dCAP Exam: 250€ + IVA (300€ + IVA If you only want to make the exam).