3CX Training Partner , Entry & Advanced level | April 17 & 18, Barcelona
Avanzada 7 organizes this free event for all those 3CX partners that want to learn how to configure 3CX, resolve support queries and increase their sales by optimizing 3CX Phone System. A pre-sales training that aims to prepare technical staff to promote, install, configure and support 3CX.
This training is open and free for all 3CX new or active members and has its next call in Barcelona, with the basic level taught on April 17th and the advanced level, taught on April 18th.
With this training your technical staff can prepare the 3CX Academy Certification axam and specialize to offer the best 3CX solution.
In the following link you can reserve your place at the level you cant as well as view the program of contents that will be taught throughout both days.
Registration links:
Previous requirements
We recommend that students who enroll in the advanced level have previous knowledge in 3CX; either by previously doing the basic 3CX training, or by having prior knowledge of network technology and concepts at Microsoft, with experience selling and installing basic 3CX systems.
What benefits will I get with this training?
- Appreciate the easy implementation of the server on a standard Windows machine
- Understand how to set up SIP phone extensions for software and hardware
- Understand how to configure PSTN gateways for terminating telephone, analog, ISDN, complete lines with DID
- Understand how to configure ITSP (normal VoIP providers and SIP trunk providers)
- Learn about the architecture of 3CX Phone System for Windows
Relevant information
- Free for 3CX partners (Coffee-break and lunch included)
- Dates: April 17th (basic level) and April 18th (advanced level)
- Schedule: From 09:00 to 17:00h
- Location: ADAM (Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, Carrer Artesans, 7; Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona)
- Plazas limitadas: 2 representes máximo por empresa
For any questions or queries you can contact us at sales@avanzada7.com